Public Agent – Ebony Business Women Strikes a Deal – Full Street Sex. Lola Marie let me in on that she understood she was charming when I obstructed her walk. How might she not be? Rising up out of her hotel, looking sharp, she was an especially elegant lady. I was unnerved so much that I dumped all of my money at her feet when I endeavored to demand to see her tits! Then she had me by the balls. She even claimed to escape with the principal portion when she got it. In any case, I could see she was horny. She was after a short time following me back to my vehicle and showing me her surprising products. I was genuinely turned on each time she enunciated my name in her affected English elocution. It looked like fucking a headmistress at school! She sucked dick like a specialist and let me screw her in all of my main positions like a pro. She was so shocking in bed, in actuality, that I began to consider what kind of cash administrator she was.