Czech Streets 76 – Country tits – Full Street Sex. A splendid thought sprung up to me! To trade Speedy Cash to the country. I went through different towns until I at last hit upon the ideal prey in the town of Lounky. A lovely darling with tremendous tits. She was coming back from a neighborhood place with two jugs. I requested that she show me how the life is at the town. As we walked, I showed her 4,000 that I’d give her in return for allowing me to see her gigantic regular boobs. You know about the way things are, each buck includes when you live in the nation, so I tossed in 20,000 with a proposal to screw her. Folks, you’ve never seen anything like this! It was a very fast ride. I screwed this buxom country-lady at her lawn right among hens and hares! Genuine Czech chicks with immense melons are awesome! Barbie dolls from Prague can’t measure up to them! Simply see with your own eyes!